//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| TSD_MR_Trade_OsMA_WPR_0_36.mq4 | //| Copyright © 2006 Mindaugas | //| TSD Trade version 0.36 | //| | //| o TSD idea and realization by Bob O'Brien / Barcode | //| o TSD rewritten to MQL4 and enhanced by Mindaugas | //| o Enhanced comments by Mike aka FxMt | //| o Trailing Stop based on ATR by Loren Gordon | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright © 2006 Mindaugas" #include #define DIRECTION_MACD 1 #define DIRECTION_OSMA 2 #define FILTER_WPR 1 #define FILTER_FORCE 2 // Put new trades only on new bar or also on expert initialization. Default is to trade only on new bar. extern bool TradeOnInit = false; // Whether to put new orders or only track old ones. Default is to put new orders. extern bool NewTrades = true; // which indicators to use int DirectionMode = DIRECTION_OSMA, FilterMode = FILTER_WPR; // trading periods int PeriodDirection = PERIOD_W1, PeriodTrade = PERIOD_D1, PeriodTrailing = PERIOD_H4, CandlesTrailing = 0; // currency pairs to trade //string pairs[] = { "AUDUSD", "EURCHF", "EURGBP", "EURJPY", "EURUSD", // "GBPCHF", "GBPJPY", "GBPUSD", "USDCAD", "USDCHF", "USDJPY" }; string pairs[] = { "EURUSD" }; // MM and broker parameters double Risk = 0.00, Lots = 0.1; // parameters for MACD and OsMA int DirectionFastEMA = 12, DirectionSlowEMA = 26, DirectionSignal = 9; // parameters for iWPR and iForce indicators int WilliamsP = 24, WilliamsL = -75, WilliamsH = -25; int ForceP = 2; int MagicNumber = 2005072001; bool TrailingStop = true; int TakeProfit = 60, Slippage = 2, TrailingStopStep = 2; string TradeSymbol, CommentHeader, CommentsPairs[]; int Pair = -1, SDigits; double Spread, SPoint, STS, StopLevel; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { string DirInd, FilterInd; if ( ! TradeOnInit ) Print ("WARNING!!! Expert will place new orders only on the beginning of the new bar."); if ( IsTesting() ) { if ( ArrayResize(pairs,1) != 0 ) pairs[0] = Symbol(); } else { if ( DirectionMode == DIRECTION_MACD ) DirInd = "MACD"; else if ( DirectionMode == DIRECTION_OSMA ) DirInd = "OsMA"; if ( FilterMode == FILTER_WPR ) FilterInd = "WPR("+WilliamsP+","+WilliamsL+","+WilliamsH+")"; else if ( FilterMode == FILTER_FORCE ) FilterInd = "Force("+ForceP+")"; CommentHeader = ("\nTSD Trade P("+PeriodDirection+","+PeriodTrade+","+PeriodTrailing+","+CandlesTrailing+")"+ " "+DirInd+"("+DirectionFastEMA+","+DirectionSlowEMA+","+DirectionSignal+")"+ " "+FilterInd+"\n"); } ArrayCopy (CommentsPairs, pairs); return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { static bool Alerted = false; int TradesThisSymbol, Direction; int i, ticket; bool okSell, okBuy, Deleted; double PriceOpen, Buy_Sl, Buy_Tp, LotMM; string ValueComment; Pair = (Pair+1) % ArraySize(pairs); TradeSymbol = pairs[Pair]; if ( ! PairExists(TradeSymbol) ) { if ( ! Alerted ) Alert ("No data for the pair: ", TradeSymbol, ". Please review and fix pairs variable."); Alerted = true; return(0); } TradesThisSymbol = TotalTradesThisSymbol (TradeSymbol); SPoint = MarketInfo (TradeSymbol, MODE_POINT); Spread = MarketInfo (TradeSymbol, MODE_ASK) - MarketInfo (TradeSymbol, MODE_BID); SDigits = MarketInfo (TradeSymbol, MODE_DIGITS); StopLevel = MarketInfo (TradeSymbol, MODE_STOPLEVEL) * SPoint + 1*SPoint; STS = iATR (TradeSymbol, PeriodTrailing, PeriodDirection*3/PeriodTrailing, 1) + Spread + 1*SPoint; Direction = Direction (TradeSymbol, PeriodDirection, DirectionMode); ValueComment = Filter(TradeSymbol, PeriodTrade, FilterMode, okBuy, okSell); CommentAll (Direction, ValueComment); if ( ! IsTradeAllowed() || MarketInfo(TradeSymbol, MODE_TRADEALLOWED) == 0 ) return(0); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Place new orders and modify pending ones only on the beginning of new bar /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( NewBar() ) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Place new order ///////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( TradesThisSymbol < 1 && NewTrades ) { ticket = 0; LotMM = CalcMM_TSDTrade (Direction); if ( LotMM <= 0 ) return(0); if ( Direction == 1 && okBuy ) { Print ("TSD BuyStop: ", TradeSymbol, " ", LotMM, " ", CalcOpenBuy(), " ", CalcSlBuy(), " ", CalcTpBuy(), ", ", MarketInfo(TradeSymbol, MODE_ASK), " ", ValueComment); ticket = OrderSend (TradeSymbol, OP_BUYSTOP, LotMM, CalcOpenBuy(), Slippage, CalcSlBuy(), CalcTpBuy(), "TSD BuyStop", MagicNumber, 0); } if ( Direction == -1 && okSell ) { Print ("TSD SellStop: ", TradeSymbol, " ", LotMM, " ", CalcOpenSell(), " ", CalcSlSell(), " ", CalcTpSell(), ", ", MarketInfo(TradeSymbol, MODE_BID), " ", ValueComment); ticket = OrderSend (TradeSymbol, OP_SELLSTOP, LotMM, CalcOpenSell(), Slippage, CalcSlSell(), CalcTpSell(), "TSD SellStop", MagicNumber, 0); } OrderError(ticket >= 0); if ( ticket != 0 ) return(0); } // End of TradesThisSymbol < 1 && NewTrades ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pending Order Management ///////////////////////////////////////////////// for (i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++) { if ( OrderSelect (i, SELECT_BY_POS) == false ) continue; if ( OrderSymbol() != TradeSymbol || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue; if ( OrderOpenTime() > iTime(TradeSymbol, PeriodTrade, 0) ) continue; if ( OrderType () == OP_BUYSTOP ) { if ( Direction != 1 || ComparePrices (CalcOpenBuy(), OrderOpenPrice()) != 0 || ComparePrices (CalcSlBuy(), OrderStopLoss()) != 0 ) { Print ("TSD delete BuyStop: ", TradeSymbol); Deleted = OrderDelete ( OrderTicket() ); OrderError(Deleted); return(0); } } if ( OrderType () == OP_SELLSTOP ) { if ( Direction != -1 || ComparePrices (CalcOpenSell(), OrderOpenPrice()) != 0 || ComparePrices (CalcSlSell(), OrderStopLoss()) != 0 ) { Print ("TSD delete SellStop: ", TradeSymbol); Deleted = OrderDelete ( OrderTicket() ); OrderError(Deleted); return(0); } } } // End of Pending Order Management } // End of NewBar() ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Stop Loss Management ///////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( TrailingStop ) { for (i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++) { if ( OrderSelect (i, SELECT_BY_POS) == false ) continue; if ( OrderSymbol() != TradeSymbol || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue; if ( TrailStop (STS) ) return(0); } } return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CalcOpenBuy () { return (MathMax (iHigh(TradeSymbol, PeriodTrade, 1) + 1*SPoint + Spread, MarketInfo(TradeSymbol, MODE_ASK) + StopLevel)); } double CalcOpenSell () { return (MathMin (iLow(TradeSymbol, PeriodTrade, 1) - 1*SPoint, MarketInfo(TradeSymbol, MODE_BID) - StopLevel)); } double CalcSlBuy () { return (iLow (TradeSymbol, PeriodTrade, 1) - 1*SPoint); } double CalcSlSell () { return (iHigh(TradeSymbol, PeriodTrade, 1) + 1*SPoint + Spread); } double CalcTpBuy () { double PriceOpen = CalcOpenBuy(), SL = CalcSlBuy(); if ( TakeProfit == 0 ) return(0); return (PriceOpen + MathMax( MathMax(TakeProfit*SPoint, STS*3), (PriceOpen - SL)*2) ); } double CalcTpSell () { double PriceOpen = CalcOpenSell(), SL = CalcSlSell(); if ( TakeProfit == 0 ) return(0); return (PriceOpen - MathMax( MathMax(TakeProfit*SPoint, STS*3), (SL - PriceOpen)*2)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool TrailStop (double TrailingStop) { double StopLoss; bool Modified; if ( OrderType() == OP_BUY ) { if ( MarketInfo (TradeSymbol, MODE_BID) < OrderOpenPrice()+TrailingStop ) return(false); StopLoss = iLow(TradeSymbol, PeriodTrailing, Lowest (TradeSymbol, PeriodTrailing, MODE_LOW, CandlesTrailing+1, 0)) - 1*SPoint; StopLoss = MathMin (MarketInfo (TradeSymbol, MODE_BID)-TrailingStop, StopLoss); if ( ComparePrices (StopLoss, OrderStopLoss() + TrailingStopStep*SPoint) == 1 ) { Print ("TSD trailstop Buy: ", TradeSymbol, " ", StopLoss, ", ", MarketInfo(TradeSymbol, MODE_ASK)); Modified = OrderModify (OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), StopLoss, OrderTakeProfit(), 0); OrderError(Modified, false); return(true); } } if ( OrderType() == OP_SELL ) { if ( MarketInfo (TradeSymbol, MODE_ASK) > OrderOpenPrice()-TrailingStop ) return(false); StopLoss = iHigh(TradeSymbol, PeriodTrailing, Highest (TradeSymbol, PeriodTrailing, MODE_HIGH, CandlesTrailing+1, 0)) + 1*SPoint + Spread; StopLoss = MathMax (MarketInfo (TradeSymbol, MODE_ASK)+TrailingStop, StopLoss); if ( ComparePrices (StopLoss, OrderStopLoss() - TrailingStopStep*SPoint) == -1 ) { Print ("TSD trailstop Sell: ", TradeSymbol, " ", StopLoss, ", ", MarketInfo(TradeSymbol, MODE_BID)); Modified = OrderModify (OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), StopLoss, OrderTakeProfit(), 0); OrderError(Modified, false); return(true); } } return(false); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Direction (string TradeSymbol, int PeriodDirection, int Mode) { double Previous, Previous2; if (Mode == DIRECTION_MACD ) { Previous = iMACD (TradeSymbol, PeriodDirection, DirectionFastEMA, DirectionSlowEMA, DirectionSignal, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAIN, 1); Previous2 = iMACD (TradeSymbol, PeriodDirection, DirectionFastEMA, DirectionSlowEMA, DirectionSignal, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAIN, 2); } else if (Mode == DIRECTION_OSMA) { Previous = iOsMA (TradeSymbol, PeriodDirection, DirectionFastEMA, DirectionSlowEMA, DirectionSignal, PRICE_CLOSE, 1); Previous2 = iOsMA (TradeSymbol, PeriodDirection, DirectionFastEMA, DirectionSlowEMA, DirectionSignal, PRICE_CLOSE, 2); } if ( Previous > Previous2 ) return(1); if ( Previous < Previous2 ) return(-1); return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string Filter (string TradeSymbol, int PeriodTrade, int Mode, bool &okBuy, bool &okSell) { double Value; okBuy = false; okSell = false; if (Mode == FILTER_WPR) { Value = iWPR(TradeSymbol, PeriodTrade, WilliamsP, 1); if (Value < WilliamsH) okBuy = true; if (Value > WilliamsL) okSell = true; return ("iWPR: " + DoubleToStr(Value, 2)); } else if (Mode == FILTER_FORCE) { Value = iForce (TradeSymbol, PeriodTrade, ForceP, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1); if (Value < 0) okBuy = true; if (Value > 0) okSell = true; return ("iForce: " + DoubleToStr(Value, 2)); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CalcMM_TSDTrade (int Direction) { if ( Direction == 1 ) return ( CalcMM (TradeSymbol, (CalcOpenBuy()-CalcSlBuy())/SPoint) ); else if ( Direction == -1 ) return ( CalcMM (TradeSymbol, (CalcSlSell()-CalcOpenSell())/SPoint) ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CalcMM (string TradeSymbol, int StopLoss) { double MinLot = MarketInfo(TradeSymbol, MODE_MINLOT); double LotStep = MarketInfo(TradeSymbol, MODE_LOTSTEP); double LotsToTrade, LotsMM = Lots; if ( Risk > 0 ) { LotsToTrade = AccountBalance() * Risk / (StopLoss * PipCost(TradeSymbol)); for (LotsMM = MinLot; NormalizeDouble(LotsToTrade-LotsMM, 8) >= 0; LotsMM += LotStep ) {} LotsMM = MathMax (MinLot, LotsMM - LotStep); } if ( AccountFreeMargin() < LotsMM * LotMarginSize(TradeSymbol) ) { Alert("Not enough money to open trade. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin(), ". Number of Lots to trade = ", LotsMM); return(-1); } return (LotsMM); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double PipCost (string TradeSymbol) { double Base, Cost; string TS_13, TS_46, TS_4L; TS_13 = StringSubstr (TradeSymbol, 0, 3); TS_46 = StringSubstr (TradeSymbol, 3, 3); TS_4L = StringSubstr (TradeSymbol, 3, StringLen(TradeSymbol)-3); Base = MarketInfo (TradeSymbol, MODE_LOTSIZE) * MarketInfo (TradeSymbol, MODE_POINT); if ( TS_46 == "USD" ) Cost = Base; else if ( TS_13 == "USD" ) Cost = Base / MarketInfo (TradeSymbol, MODE_BID); else if ( PairExists ("USD"+TS_4L) ) Cost = Base / MarketInfo ("USD"+TS_4L, MODE_BID); else Cost = Base * MarketInfo (TS_46+"USD", MODE_BID); return(Cost); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double LotMarginSize (string TradeSymbol) { double Margin, MarginSize = MarketInfo (TradeSymbol, MODE_LOTSIZE) / AccountLeverage(); string TS_13, TS_7L; TS_13 = StringSubstr (TradeSymbol, 0, 3); TS_7L = StringSubstr (TradeSymbol, 6, StringLen(TradeSymbol)-6); if ( TS_13 == "USD" ) Margin = MarginSize; else if ( PairExists (TS_13+"USD"+TS_7L) ) Margin = MarginSize * MarketInfo (TS_13+"USD"+TS_7L, MODE_BID); else Margin = MarginSize / MarketInfo ("USD"+TS_13+TS_7L, MODE_BID); return(Margin); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool PairExists (string TradeSymbol) { return ( MarketInfo (TradeSymbol, MODE_LOTSIZE) > 0 ); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int TotalTradesThisSymbol (string TradeSymbol) { int i, TradesThisSymbol = 0; for (i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++) if ( OrderSelect (i, SELECT_BY_POS) ) if ( OrderSymbol() == TradeSymbol && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber ) TradesThisSymbol++; return (TradesThisSymbol); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OrderError (bool OK, bool ResetNewBar=true) { if ( ! OK ) { if ( ResetNewBar ) NewBar(-1); ReportError(); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ReportError () { int err = GetLastError(); Print("Error(",err,"): ", ErrorDescription(err)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ComparePrices (double Price1, double Price2) { double p1 = NormalizeDouble (Price1, SDigits), p2 = NormalizeDouble (Price2, SDigits); if ( p1 > p2 ) return(1); if ( p1 < p2 ) return(-1); return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool NewBar (int how=1) { static int ProcessNumber = 2; static datetime PairTime[0]; static int PairNewBar[0]; if ( ArraySize(PairTime) != ArraySize(pairs) ) { ArrayResize (PairTime, ArraySize(pairs) ); ArrayResize (PairNewBar, ArraySize(pairs) ); ArrayInitialize (PairNewBar, 100); if ( TradeOnInit ) ArrayInitialize (PairTime, 0); else ArrayInitialize (PairTime, iTime (TradeSymbol, PeriodTrade, 0 )); } if ( how == -1 ) { PairNewBar[Pair] = MathMax ( 0, PairNewBar[Pair]-1 ); return(true); } if ( PairNewBar[Pair] <= ProcessNumber ) { if ( how == 1 ) PairNewBar[Pair]++; return(true); } if ( PairTime[Pair] != iTime (TradeSymbol, PeriodTrade, 0 ) ) { PairTime[Pair] = iTime (TradeSymbol, PeriodTrade, 0 ); PairNewBar[Pair] = 0; } return(false); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CommentAll (int Direction, string ValueComment) { string Comments = ""; int i, next = (Pair+1) % ArraySize(pairs); CommentsPairs[Pair] = TradeSymbol + ": " + " Dir("+Direction+") " + ValueComment + " TS(" + DoubleToStr (STS/SPoint, 0) + ")"; CommentsPairs[next] = ">" + CommentsPairs[next]; for (i=0; i < ArraySize(CommentsPairs); i++) Comments = Comments + "\n" + CommentsPairs[i]; if ( ! IsTesting() ) Comment (CommentHeader, Comments); }