//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| MA-Crossover_Alert.mq4 | //| Copyright © 2005, Jason Robinson (jnrtrading) | //| http://www.jnrtading.co.uk | //| Modified by Robert Hill to add LSMA and alert or send email | //| Added Global LastAlert to try to have alert only on new cross | //| but does not seem to work. So indicator does alert every bar | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ /* +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Allows you to enter two ma periods and it will then show you at | | Which point they crossed over. It is more usful on the shorter | | periods that get obscured by the bars / candlesticks and when | | the zoom level is out. Also allows you then to remove the mas | | from the chart. (emas are initially set at 5 and 6) | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #property copyright "Copyright © 2005, Jason Robinson (jnrtrading)" #property link "http://www.jnrtrading.co.uk" #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 2 #property indicator_color1 LawnGreen #property indicator_color2 Red extern bool SoundON=true; extern bool EmailON=false; extern int FastMA_Mode = 3; //0=sma, 1=ema, 2=smma, 3=lwma, 4=lsma extern int FastMA_Period = 3; extern int FastMA_Shift = 0; extern int FastPriceMode = 6;//0=close, 1=open, 2=high, 3=low, 4=median(high+low)/2, 5=typical(high+low+close)/3, 6=weighted(high+low+close+close)/4 extern int SlowMA_Mode = 3; //0=sma, 1=ema, 2=smma, 3=lwma, 4=lsma extern int SlowMA_Period = 34; extern int SlowMA_Shift = 0; extern int SlowPriceMode = 6;//0=close, 1=open, 2=high, 3=low, 4=median(high+low)/2, 5=typical(high+low+close)/3, 6=weighted(high+low+close+close)/4 double CrossUp[]; double CrossDown[]; int flagval1 = 0; int flagval2 = 0; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { //---- indicators SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY, 3); SetIndexArrow(0, 233); SetIndexBuffer(0, CrossUp); SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY, 3); SetIndexArrow(1, 234); SetIndexBuffer(1, CrossDown); GlobalVariableSet("AlertTime"+Symbol()+Period(),CurTime()); GlobalVariableSet("SignalType"+Symbol()+Period(),OP_SELLSTOP); // GlobalVariableSet("LastAlert"+Symbol()+Period(),0); //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { //---- GlobalVariableDel("AlertTime"+Symbol()+Period()); GlobalVariableDel("SignalType"+Symbol()+Period()); // GlobalVariableDel("LastAlert"+Symbol()+Period()); //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| LSMA with PriceMode | //| PrMode 0=close, 1=open, 2=high, 3=low, 4=median(high+low)/2, | //| 5=typical(high+low+close)/3, 6=weighted(high+low+close+close)/4 | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double LSMA(int Rperiod, int prMode, int shift) { int i; double sum, pr; int length; double lengthvar; double tmp; double wt; length = Rperiod; sum = 0; for(i = length; i >= 1 ; i--) { lengthvar = length + 1; lengthvar /= 3; tmp = 0; switch (prMode) { case 0: pr = Close[length-i+shift];break; case 1: pr = Open[length-i+shift];break; case 2: pr = High[length-i+shift];break; case 3: pr = Low[length-i+shift];break; case 4: pr = (High[length-i+shift] + Low[length-i+shift])/2;break; case 5: pr = (High[length-i+shift] + Low[length-i+shift] + Close[length-i+shift])/3;break; case 6: pr = (High[length-i+shift] + Low[length-i+shift] + Close[length-i+shift] + Close[length-i+shift])/4;break; } tmp = ( i - lengthvar)*pr; sum+=tmp; } wt = sum*6/(length*(length+1)); return(wt); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator iteration function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { int limit, i, counter; double tmp=0; double fastMAnow, slowMAnow, fastMAprevious, slowMAprevious; double Range, AvgRange; int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted(); //---- check for possible errors if(counted_bars<0) return(-1); //---- last counted bar will be recounted if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--; limit=Bars-counted_bars; for(i = 0; i <= limit; i++) { counter=i; Range=0; AvgRange=0; for (counter=i ;counter<=i+9;counter++) { AvgRange=AvgRange+MathAbs(High[counter]-Low[counter]); } Range=AvgRange/10; if (FastMA_Mode == 4) { fastMAnow = LSMA(FastMA_Period, FastPriceMode, i); fastMAprevious = LSMA(FastMA_Period, FastPriceMode, i+1); } else { fastMAnow = iMA(NULL, 0, FastMA_Period, FastMA_Shift, FastMA_Mode, FastPriceMode, i); fastMAprevious = iMA(NULL, 0, FastMA_Period, FastMA_Shift, FastMA_Mode, FastPriceMode, i+1); } if (SlowMA_Mode == 4) { slowMAnow = LSMA( SlowMA_Period, SlowPriceMode, i); slowMAprevious = LSMA( SlowMA_Period, SlowPriceMode, i+1); } else { slowMAnow = iMA(NULL, 0, SlowMA_Period, SlowMA_Shift, SlowMA_Mode, SlowPriceMode, i); slowMAprevious = iMA(NULL, 0, SlowMA_Period, SlowMA_Shift, SlowMA_Mode, SlowPriceMode, i+1); } if ((fastMAnow > slowMAnow) && (fastMAprevious < slowMAprevious)) { if (i == 1 && flagval1==0){ flagval1=1; flagval2=0; } CrossUp[i] = Low[i] - Range*0.75; } else if ((fastMAnow < slowMAnow) && (fastMAprevious > slowMAprevious)) { if (i == 1 && flagval2==0) { flagval2=1; flagval1=0; } CrossDown[i] = High[i] + Range*0.75; } } if (flagval1==1 && CurTime() > GlobalVariableGet("AlertTime"+Symbol()+Period()) && GlobalVariableGet("SignalType"+Symbol()+Period())!=OP_BUY) { // if (GlobalVariableGet("LastAlert"+Symbol()+Period()) < 0.5) // { if (SoundON) Alert("BUY signal at Ask=",Ask,"\n Bid=",Bid,"\n Time=",TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE)," ",TimeHour(CurTime()),":",TimeMinute(CurTime()),"\n Symbol=",Symbol()," Period=",Period()); if (EmailON) SendMail("BUY signal alert","BUY signal at Ask="+DoubleToStr(Ask,4)+", Bid="+DoubleToStr(Bid,4)+", Date="+TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE)+" "+TimeHour(CurTime())+":"+TimeMinute(CurTime())+" Symbol="+Symbol()+" Period="+Period()); // } tmp = CurTime() + (Period()-MathMod(Minute(),Period()))*60; GlobalVariableSet("AlertTime"+Symbol()+Period(),tmp); GlobalVariableSet("SignalType"+Symbol()+Period(),OP_SELL); // GlobalVariableSet("LastAlert"+Symbol()+Period(),1); } if (flagval2==1 && CurTime() > GlobalVariableGet("AlertTime"+Symbol()+Period()) && GlobalVariableGet("SignalType"+Symbol()+Period())!=OP_SELL) { // if (GlobalVariableGet("LastAlert"+Symbol()+Period()) > -0.5) // { if (SoundON) Alert("SELL signal at Ask=",Ask,"\n Bid=",Bid,"\n Date=",TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE)," ",TimeHour(CurTime()),":",TimeMinute(CurTime()),"\n Symbol=",Symbol()," Period=",Period()); if (EmailON) SendMail("SELL signal alert","SELL signal at Ask="+DoubleToStr(Ask,4)+", Bid="+DoubleToStr(Bid,4)+", Date="+TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE)+" "+TimeHour(CurTime())+":"+TimeMinute(CurTime())+" Symbol="+Symbol()+" Period="+Period()); // } tmp = CurTime() + (Period()-MathMod(Minute(),Period()))*60; GlobalVariableSet("AlertTime"+Symbol()+Period(),tmp); GlobalVariableSet("SignalType"+Symbol()+Period(),OP_BUY); // GlobalVariableSet("LastAlert"+Symbol()+Period(),-1); } return(0); }