//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Hans123Trader v9 | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #include #property copyright "hans123" #property link "http://www.strategybuilderfx.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15439" // programmed by fukinagashi #import "Kernel32.dll" int CreateEventA(int attr, int bManualReset, int bInitialState, string lpName); int SetEvent(int hEvent); int WaitForSingleObject(int hEvent, int dwMilliseconds); int CloseHandle(int hEvent); #import extern int BeginSession1=6; extern int LengthSession1=4; extern int BeginSession2=10; extern int LengthSession2=4; extern double Lots = 0.5; // 0 for GMT time and 1 for CET time extern int OffsetToGMT = 0; extern int ClsOnlUnprTX=1; // 1 = yes / 0 = no extern int ProtectYourInvestments=1; // 1 = yes / 0 = no extern int Type_TS_Calc=1; // 1 - classic / 2 - ATR / 3 - HalfVotality extern double FactorTSCalculation = 0.5; datetime bartime = 0; double Slippage=3; int OrderInterval = 8000; int RetryConnect = 5; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { if (!GlobalVariableCheck("tradeevent")) { int hEvent = CreateEventA(0, 0, 1, "HansMetaTraderEvent"); GlobalVariableSet("tradeevent", hEvent); } } int deinit() { if (GlobalVariableCheck("tradeevent")) { int hEvent = GlobalVariableGet("tradeevent"); CloseHandle(hEvent); GlobalVariableDel("tradeevent"); } } int start() { int cnt, ticket, err, i, j; int MagicNumber; double ts, tp, sl, LowestPrice, HighestPrice, Price; bool Order[5]; string setup; datetime Validity=0; double TrailingStop; double TakeProfit; double InitialStopLoss; int PipsForEntry; int retry; int TimeZoneDiff= OffsetToGMT - 1; MagicNumber = func_Symbol2Val(Symbol()); setup="H123v9_" + Symbol(); if (Symbol()=="GBPUSD") { PipsForEntry= 5; TrailingStop = 40; TakeProfit = 120; InitialStopLoss=70; } else if (Symbol()=="EURUSD") { PipsForEntry= 5; TrailingStop = 30; TakeProfit = 80; InitialStopLoss=60; } else if (Symbol()=="USDCHF") { PipsForEntry= 10; TrailingStop = 30; TakeProfit = 120; InitialStopLoss=30; } else { PipsForEntry= 5; TrailingStop = 40; TakeProfit = 120; InitialStopLoss=50; } if (bartime == Time[0]) { return(0); } else { bartime = Time[0]; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////// MODIFICATIONS ON OPEN ORDERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for(cnt=OrdersTotal();cnt>=0;cnt--) { if (OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { err = GetLastError(); if (err>1) { Print("Error selecting order [" + setup + "]: (" + err + ") " + ErrorDescription(err)); } if(OrderType()==OP_BUY && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && (OrderMagicNumber()==(MagicNumber+1) || OrderMagicNumber()==(MagicNumber+3))) { if(TimeDay(OrderOpenTime())!=TimeDay(Time[0])) { if (ClsOnlUnprTX==1) { if(Bid-OrderOpenPrice()1) { Print("Error closing buy order [" + setup + "]: (" + err + ") " + ErrorDescription(err)); } } else if (TrailingStop>0) { if (ProtectYourInvestments==1 && Bid-OrderOpenPrice()>Point*TrailingStop) { ts = OrderOpenPrice(); } else { if (Type_TS_Calc==1) { ts = Bid-(Point*TrailingStop); } else if (Type_TS_Calc==2) { ts = Low[0] - FactorTSCalculation * iATR(NULL,0,14,0); } else if (Type_TS_Calc==3) { ts = Low[0] - (FactorTSCalculation *(High[0]-Low[0])); } } if (OrderStopLoss()Point*TrailingStop) OrderModifyExtended(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),ts,OrderTakeProfit(),0,White); err = GetLastError(); if (err>1) { Print("Error modifying buy order [" + setup + "]: (" + err + ") " + ErrorDescription(err)); } } } else if(OrderType()==OP_SELL && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && (OrderMagicNumber()==(MagicNumber+2) || OrderMagicNumber()==(MagicNumber+4))) { if(TimeDay(OrderOpenTime())!=TimeDay(Time[0])) { if (ClsOnlUnprTX==1) { if((OrderOpenPrice()-Ask)<(Point*TrailingStop)) { OrderCloseExtended(OrderTicket(), Lots, Ask, 3, Red); } } else { OrderCloseExtended(OrderTicket(), Lots, Ask, 3, Red); } err = GetLastError(); if (err>1) { Print("Error closing Sell order [" + setup + "]: (" + err + ") " + ErrorDescription(err)); } } else if (TrailingStop>0) { if (ProtectYourInvestments==1 && (OrderOpenPrice()-Ask)>(Point*TrailingStop)) { ts = OrderOpenPrice(); } else { if (Type_TS_Calc==1) { ts = Ask+(Point*TrailingStop); } else if (Type_TS_Calc==2) { ts = High[0] + FactorTSCalculation * iATR(NULL,0,14,0); } else if (Type_TS_Calc==3) { ts = High[0] + (FactorTSCalculation *(High[0]-Low[0])); } } if (OrderStopLoss()>ts && (OrderOpenPrice()-Ask)>(Point*TrailingStop)) OrderModifyExtended(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),ts,OrderTakeProfit(),0,White); err = GetLastError(); if (err>1) { Print("Error modifyin sell order [" + setup + "]: (" + err + ") " + ErrorDescription(err)); } } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////// SETTING ORDERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // if(AccountFreeMargin()<(1000*Lots)) return(0); Validity=StrToTime(TimeYear(Time[0]) + "." + TimeMonth(Time[0]) + "." + TimeDay(Time[0]) + " 23:59")+(TimeZoneDiff*3600); for(i=1;i<5;i++) { Order[i]=false; } for(cnt=OrdersTotal();cnt>=0;cnt--) { OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); err = GetLastError(); if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==(MagicNumber+1)) { Order[1]=true; } else if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==(MagicNumber+2)) { Order[2]=true; } else if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==(MagicNumber+3)) { Order[3]=true; } else if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==(MagicNumber+4)) { Order[4]=true; } } if (TimeHour(Time[0])==BeginSession1+LengthSession1+TimeZoneDiff && TimeMinute(Time[0])==0) { LowestPrice=Low[Lowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, LengthSession1*60/Period(), 0)]; HighestPrice=High[Highest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, LengthSession1*60/Period(), 0)]; Print("Determine Low: " + LowestPrice + " and High: " + HighestPrice + " for timephase " + TimeToStr(Time[240/Period()]) + " - " + TimeToStr(Time[0])); Price = HighestPrice+PipsForEntry*Point; if (TakeProfit>0) { tp=Price+TakeProfit*Point; } else { tp=0; } if (InitialStopLoss>0) { if((Price-InitialStopLoss*Point)1) { Print("Error setting buy order [" + setup + "]: (" + err + ") " + ErrorDescription(err)); } retry = RetryConnect; while (err == 6 && retry > 0) { ticket=OrderSendExtended(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,Lots,Price,Slippage,sl,tp,setup,(MagicNumber+1),Validity,Green); err = GetLastError(); Sleep(3000); retry--; } Price = LowestPrice-PipsForEntry*Point; if (TakeProfit>0) { tp=Price-TakeProfit*Point; } else { tp=0; } if (InitialStopLoss>0) { if((Price+InitialStopLoss*Point)>HighestPrice+PipsForEntry*Point) { sl = HighestPrice+PipsForEntry*Point; } else { sl = Price+InitialStopLoss*Point; } } else { sl=0; } if (!Order[2]) ticket=OrderSendExtended(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP,Lots,Price,Slippage,sl,tp,setup,(MagicNumber+2),Validity,Green); err = GetLastError(); if (err==130) { ticket=OrderSendExtended(Symbol(),OP_SELL,Lots,Bid,Slippage,sl,tp,setup,(MagicNumber+1),0,Green); } else if (err>1) { Print("Error setting sell order [" + setup + "]: (" + err + ") " + ErrorDescription(err)); } retry = RetryConnect; while (err == 6 && retry > 0) { ticket=OrderSendExtended(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP,Lots,Price,Slippage,sl,tp,setup,(MagicNumber+2),Validity,Green); err = GetLastError(); Sleep(3000); retry--; } } if (TimeHour(Time[0])==BeginSession2+LengthSession2+TimeZoneDiff && TimeMinute(Time[0])==0) { LowestPrice=Low[Lowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, LengthSession2*60/Period(), 0)]; HighestPrice=High[Highest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, LengthSession2*60/Period(), 0)]; Print("Determine Low: " + LowestPrice + " and High: " + HighestPrice + " for timephase " + TimeToStr(Time[240/Period()]) + " - " + TimeToStr(Time[0])); Price = HighestPrice+PipsForEntry*Point; if (TakeProfit>0) { tp=Price+TakeProfit*Point; } else { tp=0; } if (InitialStopLoss>0) { if((Price-InitialStopLoss*Point)1) { Print("Error setting buy order [" + setup + "]: (" + err + ") " + ErrorDescription(err)); } retry = RetryConnect; while (err == 6 && retry > 0) { ticket=OrderSendExtended(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,Lots,Price,Slippage,sl,tp,setup,(MagicNumber+3),Validity,Green); err = GetLastError(); Sleep(3000); retry--; } Price = LowestPrice-PipsForEntry*Point; if (TakeProfit>0) { tp=Price-TakeProfit*Point; } else { tp=0; } if (InitialStopLoss>0) { if((Price+InitialStopLoss*Point)>HighestPrice+PipsForEntry*Point) { sl = HighestPrice+PipsForEntry*Point; } else { sl = Price+InitialStopLoss*Point; } } else { sl=0; } if (!Order[4]) ticket=OrderSendExtended(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP,Lots,Price,Slippage,sl,tp,setup,(MagicNumber+4),Validity,Green); err = GetLastError(); if (err==130) { ticket=OrderSendExtended(Symbol(),OP_SELL,Lots,Bid,Slippage,sl,tp,setup,(MagicNumber+1),0,Green); } else if (err>1) { Print("Error setting sell order [" + setup + "]: (" + err + ") " + ErrorDescription(err)); } retry = RetryConnect; while (err == 6 && retry > 0) { ticket=OrderSendExtended(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP,Lots,Price,Slippage,sl,tp,setup,(MagicNumber+4),Validity,Green); err = GetLastError(); Sleep(3000); retry--; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////// DIVERSE SUBROUTINES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int func_Symbol2Val(string symbol) { if(symbol=="AUDUSD") { return(01); } else if(symbol=="CHFJPY") { return(02); } else if(symbol=="EURAUD") { return(10); } else if(symbol=="EURCAD") { return(11); } else if(symbol=="EURCHF") { return(12); } else if(symbol=="EURGBP") { return(13); } else if(symbol=="EURJPY") { return(14); } else if(symbol=="EURUSD") { return(15); } else if(symbol=="GBPCHF") { return(20); } else if(symbol=="GBPJPY") { return(21); } else if(symbol=="GBPUSD") { return(22); } else if(symbol=="USDCAD") { return(40); } else if(symbol=="USDCHF") { return(41); } else if(symbol=="USDJPY") { return(42); } else if(symbol=="GOLD") { return(90); } else { Comment("unexpected Symbol"); return(0); } } int OrderSendExtended(string symbol, int cmd, double volume, double price, int slippage, double stoploss, double takeprofit, string comment, int magic, datetime expiration=0, color arrow_color=CLR_NONE) { datetime OldCurTime; int timeout=60; int ticket; if (!IsTesting()) { MathSrand(LocalTime()); Sleep(MathRand()/6); } OldCurTime=CurTime(); while (!IsTradeAllowed()) { if(OldCurTime+timeout<=CurTime()) { Print("Error in OrderSendExtended(): Timeout encountered"); return(0); } Sleep(1000); } int hEvent = GlobalVariableGet("tradeevent"); int ret = WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 60000); if (ret != 0) return (0); ticket = OrderSend(symbol, cmd, volume, price, slippage, stoploss, takeprofit, comment, magic, expiration, arrow_color); Sleep(OrderInterval); SetEvent(hEvent); return(ticket); } bool OrderModifyExtended(int ticket, double price, double stoploss, double takeprofit, datetime expiration, color clr) { datetime OldCurTime; int timeout=60; bool ret=true; OldCurTime=CurTime(); while (!IsTradeAllowed()) { if(OldCurTime+timeout<=CurTime()) { Print("Error in OrderSendExtended(): Timeout encountered"); return(false); } Sleep(1000); } int hEvent = GlobalVariableGet("tradeevent"); if(WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 60000) != 0) return (false); ret = OrderModify(ticket, price, stoploss, takeprofit, expiration, clr); Sleep(OrderInterval); // sleep 10 seconds SetEvent(hEvent); return(ret); } bool OrderCloseExtended(int ticket,double lots, double price,int slippage,color clr) { datetime OldCurTime; int timeout=60; bool ret = true; OldCurTime=CurTime(); while (!IsTradeAllowed()) { if(OldCurTime+timeout<=CurTime()) { Print("Error in OrderSendExtended(): Timeout encountered"); return(false); } Sleep(1000); } int hEvent = GlobalVariableGet("tradeevent"); if (WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 60000) != 0) return (false); ret = OrderClose(ticket, lots, price, slippage, clr); Sleep(OrderInterval); SetEvent(hEvent); return(ret); }